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The Myth of Calories In and Out

Written by Dawn Mills | Aug 28, 2021 4:18:54 PM

Why Eating Fewer Calories Won't Help You Lose Weight

We have been told for decades that losing weight is simply of matter of calories in/ calories out.  But studies and the growing understanding of how our bodies work and process food has proven this method of weight loss does not work.

Calorie: Measurement used to measure energy.

A calorie is energy!  So why can't you simply eat "energy" in the form of food and burn that same "energy" in the form of exercise?

Our bodies require energy from the food we eat to keep our bodies, and all its many systems, functioning.   There is not an even exchange of energy consumed and energy spent in physical activity.  Our bodies require energy to:

  1. Keep our bodies the right temperature
  2. Produce new protein
  3. Grow our bones
  4. Grow our muscle
  5. Brain function
  6. Heart rate
  7. Detoxification of the liver and kidney
  8. Digestion
  9. Breathing
  10. Excretion
  11. Fat Production
When we begin to take in fewer calories, we not only burn stored fat, but we also slow down all the other processes in our body.  Sure, we will lose a little weight in the beginning.  But our body will adjust to the new calorie, ie. energy, intake and use less.  the result is that we become tired, cold, and have slowed cognitive function, to name a few.

Our bodies are amazing creations that will adjust to survive.  When we starve our bodies the energy it expects to function, it will simply slow down, keeping us alive.  We will feel poorly, but we will survive.

When we eventually increase our calorie intake, our bodies take several months to catch up to the new energy intake.  The result - our bodies are not able to use all the energy it is now being fed and will store the extra as fat.  We gain all the weight we have lost plus some.

 So what is the answer to weight loss?  The best short answer I  can give you here is finding a program that focuses on simple, healthy eating without sugar.  One such program that has proven, lasting results, is Taste Success.