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It's 3 p.m. and I am craving sweets

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 If you are anything like me, you struggle with the 3 o’clock, “I have to eat sugar, now” cravings. What is that all about?

 You are quietly working away at your computer, perfectly content and then – BAM – you are suddenly hungry and craving sugar and if you don’t get it there is no way you are going to make it through the rest of the day. So what do you do? Eat sugar of course!

The ridiculous thing is that we all know that even though we will feel better for a time, we are tired and craving again in about an hour.

Vicious Cycle

The good news is that you really CAN successfully change this habit.   Being hungry at 3PM is normal, it simply means you need to nourish your body.   But the sugar cravings just have to go.

The more sugar we eat the more sugar we crave.   And when I say sugar, I don’t mean cookies (necessarily). I am talking about those hidden sugars you may not realize you are eating. Get in the habit of reading labels. It is a good idea to keep a food journal throughout the day and pay attention to how foods are making you feel. Then replace the foods that make you feel tired with healthier choices.

Meanwhile – while you are figuring this out. Here are some suggestions that should help you right away.

1.     Breakfast:  Eat protein at breakfast and leave out the bread and cereal. Bread has hidden sugar in the form of starch. If you just have to have cereal I suggest oatmeal with stevia or fresh fruit.

2.     Morning Snack: Eat a morning snack, around 10am. This should also be protein. Try a protein shake, a handful of nuts or cheese.

3.     Lunch: Stay away from pasta at lunch. Make sure you have protein, even if you are eating a salad (nuts, eggs, meat, cheese – all have protein). And eat in moderation.  

4.     3 PM: Okay – so here comes 3 o’clock – if you must eat something sweet try eating fruit. It will be refreshing. Apple slices dipped in a nut butter is a great option because that will give you some protein. A square of good quality dark chocolate can also be satisfying without over doing it (70% or higher in cocoa is a good rule of thumb). But if 70% is too strong, start with 60% or even 50% and work up from there. I also suggest having a small handful of nuts or slice of cheese with your fruit or chocolate for the same reason. Dark chocolate and almonds are a delicious combination.

Sometimes it is better to take baby steps when trying to establish new habits. If you are just not ready to give up the 3 o’clock sugar, then compromise with yourself. Have one cookie instead of two and then add a protein, for example. Replacing a bad food with a healthier choice is much better than giving up. Small steps – you can do this!